Understanding Soy Lecithin and Its Uses – Articles About Food

ients. However, do you know what to do with them? Soy lecithin is a useful supplement to your pantry However, not all its benefits are apparent. For starters, it’s an excellent natural preservative. It is a great way to help your bread become more soft or replace fats and eggs.

Soy lecithin, also known as amphiphilic compounds, bonds both fats and water. It helps food stick together. This is referred to as “emulsion,” or the combination of different ingredients that do not generally like to coexist. Water and oil are able to be stabilized the use of soylecithin. Vinaigrette as well as mayonnaise are Emulsions but are different in their stability. Mayonnaise is more stable. Why? Due to eggs! These eggs contain soy lecithin. Because they’re made of soy the food items that contain eggs is more stable.

Soy lecithin as a separate ingredient is an excellent choice to eliminate the smell of eggs. If you prepare your own food and you’re cooking your own food, it’s possible to choose to substitute anything you’d like. Soy lecithin as well as other ingredients help make this happen without jeopardizing the quality of your final meal. ov2gzwiaa5.