How to Prepare Your Pet to Be Involved in Your Wedding – Ceremonia GNP

Care for your pet

You may only have to clean your pet’s coat once a month, but it’s recommended to clean them when you’re planning to attend at a wedding. Before bathing your pet you should first spray their coats with water that is warm. Begin with a tiny dab of shampoo on your palm . begin to apply it all over your pet’s body, gently massage the shampoo as proceed. Rinse your pet with water to wash all shampoo from their coat. Only use shampoos that are specifically made for pets. Human shampoos can produce dry, flaky, and inflamed coats in dogs, which increases their risk of infection.

Drying your dog

After cleaning your pet then let them air dry for a few minutes and then wrap them in a towel. You could also employ a hairdryer (on an ice setting) to dry their hair if you would like it to dry faster. Also, you can purchase a specialized dog dryer for this purpose.

Give a haircut

It is a great idea to cut or trim your dog’s hair after bathing. There may be a need for routine maintenancesuch as trimming hairs on their belly or around their bottom to prevent it from picking up dirt and debris, or cut them all the way. If your dog’s hair is around 70% dry, it is the ideal time to cut the hair. Cutters or clippers depending on the length of the hair.

Brush Their Coat

Your pet should be clean no matter the occasion. The best way to achieve this is yourself at home using a few easy steps. Begin by brushing your pet’s coat with care, paying particular attention to any areas that have been matted. Make sure your pet’s coat is near to its skin and massage gently the mat with your brush, beginning at the very end that is far away from your pet’s torso and gradually moving up. Use a pair scissors to tear any tough mats.

Remove the Nails

A cutter that is guillotine style is necessary for cutting nails properly. Cut each nail with a slight angle right before the nail begins to bend under. Do not cut the pink veins running through
