Current Dental Health Journal Research on Oral and Systemic Health – Greg’s Health Journal

he two variables, it was apparent the fact that periodontal disease such as gingivitis affected pregnancy. Study results showed that preeclampsia and preterm babies and low birth weight were all linked to periodontal diseases.

Another study, published in Family Practice, that involved 748 792 birth records of pregnancies, found that the presence of maternal periodontal disease was significantly connected with low birthweights, preterm labor and spontaneous abortion. To safeguard both mother and child researchers stress the importance of timely diagnosis of an orthodontist. There are multiple interventions which include periodontal treatment for women who are expecting.

4. Respiratory diseases

In those with weak immune systems, the oral cavity may be the origin of respiratory infections like chronic obstructive lung condition and pneumonia. This is especially true for people who require mechanical ventilation. Periodontal disease can also impact the health of the entire system. There are however two additional mechanisms. Certain enzymes derived from microbes could reduce saliva’s protective properties and slow the efficient elimination of diseases-causing agents out of the mucosal surface.

COVID-19 has prompted new interest in the link between respiratory conditions and dental health. Researchers from the British Dental Journal hypothesized that the severity of COVID-19 is related to dental health problems in one study. The study found that severeness of COVID-19 was associated with a delay in recovery as well as an increase in C-reactive protein. A poor oral health condition can affect the healing process of respiratory illnesses.

Similar studies have revealed the complex oral-systemic health connection even with oral care management. Gerontology published a 1-year Japan-based cohort study which highlighted the significance and need for OHM for long-term care residents. Recognizing the importance of oral health management (OHM) for long-term healthcare facilities is an important element in determining who is able to be eligible for rehabilitation
